Hydro Power
Hydro Power is where our initial curiosity in renewable energy started.
We have forged strong relationship across the sector which has resulted in us Recruiting and placing niche sector specialists in multiple locations.
Our network is strong with OEM's, Service Providers and EPC companies across the value chain which enables us to consult with our clients and advise on the best Talent Solution which will gain the best result.
Engineering &
Experienced with Engineering & R&D professionals of Hydro specific product components from concept through to specialist manufacturing and comprehensive Design Engineering of complete Hydro Power projects.
Construction &
Project Management
Fully qualified Construction and Project Management professionals that have the necessary qualifications and experience to deliver Hydro Power projects on time and on budget.
Installation &
Installation and Commissioning professionals or teams to commission the Hydro Power Plant.
Operations &
O&M Technical personnel to carry out works throughout the operational lifespan of the plant, combined with re-powering and optimising of the Hydro Power plant.
Business Development
& Sales
Our team is well versed with high level Sales, Account Management and Business Development personnel from graduate through to C-Level.